September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!

September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!
Do y’all remember me announcing that I am a Care Bears #ShareYourCare ambassador?!  This is, by far, one of the most fun experiences of the year!  I absolutely love The Care Bears and so do all 3 of my kiddos.  I mean, who doesn’t love The Care Bears.  They’re cute, cuddly, and they love everyone.  They also teach amazing lessons on kindness to us all.

September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!

The Care Bears are encouraging fans to spread caring, sharing, love, friendship, acceptance, fun and
happiness to those around them that day, and each and every day of the year! That day, Care Bears is participating in an event helping 10 year old Zach Kaplan of #ZachKapCares and his mission to gift children in need with a soft bear to hug at night by donating 400 Care Bears plush to Leake & Watts, a  head start program serving 8,000 in New York City and Westchester County!

September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!


We love to #ShareYourCare throughout our community.  We serve at one of the local homeless shelters and help at the local community food bank with our children.  I volunteer for CASA which helps foster children in our area.  Sometimes we simply take a treat to a teacher or goodies to the local police department.  We love to share our care with everyone.  It gives us such a great feeling of purpose and belonging in our community and it helps someone else have a better day!  Enough about me!  Tell us how you #ShareYourCare.  This is going to be so much fun!  Come on along and help us #ShareYourCare <3

Sign up HERE to find out more about #ShareYourCare and take your oath to share!

17 Replies to “September 9th is National Care Bears™ #ShareYourCare Day!”

  1. Lauren loved the Care Bears. I think it was her first grade teacher who introduced them to her (that would be about 25 years ago). Congratulations on this terrific endeavor!

  2. Aw this touched my heart! That’s amazing how Zach came up with an idea to donate bears. It’s the best way to share comfort for those who needs it. I’m really glad to see the care bears are still around 🙂

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