I’m so glad you asked! hehe Well, my name is Rachel and I live in south Louisiana. I am a transplant from Memphis, TN. I am a mother, daughter, aunt, niece, cousin, blogger, student and teacher! I have 3 children who are 24, 18, and 16 years old; Moss, Isaiah, and Hannah respectively.
I am a public school teacher and deeply enjoy every minute of it. I also home schooled my 3 children for many years. I started my home schooling journey when my oldest was diagnosed with Factor VII deficiency, epilepsy, and Asperger’s Syndrome (yes, she was diagnosed with all three in the same year). Moss was a patient at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for 10 years. She is an awesome, brave, precious gift from God, as are my younger two children. Isaiah, 18, is a wonderful baseball and football player. He just graduated high school and shipped off to Navy boot camp. Hannah, 16, well…..she’s Hannah 🙂 Hannah is the reason I read Dr. James Dobson’s “The Strong Willed Child”. Hannah plays basketball, football and runs track. I am extremely proud of all 3 of my kiddos who are not such little kiddos anymore.
What is a blogger? Once again, I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED! hehe Bloggers are moms who love sharing their lives; in my case I share EVERYTHING. I work from my home, don’t have an assistant , staff or legal team. I do it all myself. So, when you email me, you get me. When you call me, you get me! When you leave a comment on my blog or social networks…..you guessed it; you get ME 🙂 I work very hard to find the most relevant deals, coupons, recipes, crafts, and advice for my readers.
I’m so glad you have stopped by my blog, please look around, I’m sure you’ll find something that interests you. If you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat; feel free to comment here or email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!
I just discovered your site on Raining hot couppns. I am also an Acadiana mom with a 4 year old daughter on the autism spectrum! Small world 😉
Welcome Carmon 😀 It’s great to meet you!
How can I subscribe to your RSS/Email?
Hi Rachel, Sounds like you have your hands full. Makes life interesting to say the least. I’ve been trying to subscribe to your RSS but I’ve not been able to because the RSS link in your feed buttons does not lead to a subscription page just a page full of html. Please help.
I’ve clicked on the Notify me of new posts via email just in case to see if that works, too. 🙂
I’m looking into it right now 😀 Thank you for letting me know!
I have a 14 year old strong willed daughter with Aspergers. She is very smart and yet drives me crazy all at the same time. I do understand the struggles you are going through especially since is less know about women with aspergers. Thanks for all you … the work you put in to saving others money really saves times so I can focus all my kids.
WOW!!!!!! I am amazed at how much info is on your site. I really enjoy it.
Thanks Darcy 😀
I have been watching your wonderful guest appearances on KATC’s GMA (A news junkie, I have the TV on in my bathroom while getting ready for work five days a week). You are always so wonderful, spirited, and genuine. It was this morning that I listened to your account of home schooling and the wonderful projects you create. My oldest son had asbergers and my oldest daughter was that text book strong willed child (I loaned my copy of Dr. Dobson’s book to a friend years after I had digested and applied it). Keep doing what you are doing — and sharing your faith!
Awe, thank you so much Vicki 😀
Can I have your full name to use in a research paper I am completing on couponing? I have to cite some of the things I used.
I love this site, just stumbled upon it on Facebook. I have referred one of my friends, her son has Asperger’s as well. How do I sign up for your newsletter? I don’t want to miss anything.:)
I am also a Christian and was thrilled to find out you were and also that you home school your kids. I was blessed to be a stay @ home mom for 17 years but was unable to home school my kids.I admire mom’s who can.I picked you to be my smart shopper and I still don’t understand what that’s all about. I am looking foward to getting to know you better.
Awe, that makes me so happy 😀 If you have any specific questions about Shop Your Way; feel free to email me at [email protected] I’ll be more than happy to help!
I am all about teaching to the learning styles of all childrin.
Hi I can’t find you on Facebook today. Did you delete your page?
Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/sewworx