Mardi Gras Cream Cheese Cookie Truffles
These Mardi Gras Cream Cheese Cookie Truffles were insanely easy to make and taste delicious! You are going to absolutely love them. These are perfect for any time you need a treat during the Mardi Gras season. The taste is perfect too! They taste so much like your favorite Cajun cream cheese King Cake. You can easily change this recipe up to fit any event or holiday.
Although Mardi Gras will look a little different this year; it is still going to be the party we have come to love and expect! My kiddos and I went driving around Lafayette yesterday and found some super fun houses decorated for a reverse Mardi Gras Parade. This parade was different than in the years past because we did the driving while the “floats” stood still. The “floats” were houses along the parade route that were decorated for Mardi Gras. Some even had performers and amazing entertainment for the parade-goers. Although I am a huge fan of our traditional Mardi Gras; this was a welcomed surprise during a time when we really have to look hard for the good news.
After we finished the “parade”, we came home and made goodies together. One of the treats we made were these Mardi Gras Cream Cheese Cookie Truffles. All 3 of my kids helped out and it really was a blast. It is fun for this mom to have her kiddos who range in age from 22 years old to 14 years old, really having fun together as a family. Mardi Gras is all about the food and gathering as a family.
We will use this same, basic recipe, minus the cinnamon, to make Easter eggs in the coming weeks. Be sure to come back
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