Keep Your Weekday Routine Through The Weekends

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Nature’s Bounty®. All opinions are 100% my own.

Keep Your Weekday Routine Through The Weekends

The greatest realization I have had over the many years of eating healthy and not eating healthy and back and forth is that sticking to your routines helps tremendously.  It is important, to me, that I stick to my weekday routines throughout the weekends.  I keep walking and I keep taking my vitamins and supplements no matter what we have going on over the weekend.  It may be a little tougher during the weekend, but it makes it so much easier to get back into the swing of things come Monday morning.  Monday mornings are tough enough without the added pressure of getting back into your healthy routines, such as taking vitamins or supplements.

Keep Your Weekday Routine Through The Weekends

For many years I have taken a plethora of supplements and vitamins.  Only 2 of these have remained constant through all of the others; cranberry and Biotin.  I take cranberry for urinary tract health.  I also take Biotin which helps keep my hair is long and healthy.

Keep Your Weekday Routine Through The Weekends Keep Your Weekday Routine Through The Weekends


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17 Replies to “Keep Your Healthy Weekday Routines Through The Weekends”

  1. This is very interesting. I don’t normally take supplement unless I have to. Looks like these have a lot of benefits!

  2. A girl after my own heart. I love using vitamins, supplements and clean eating to help me stay on a healthy track. 😀

  3. Great post and so true! It is a lot easier to maintain a routine if you stick with it over the weekend. I admit that I use this time to “cheat” and I really need to work on that. Thank you for the tips, I appreciate it!

  4. For me it’s the other way around. My weekends are healthier cause I have time to eat right. Good for you for sticking to your routine even when it changes.

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