7 Free Homeschool Resources

As a home educator you will find a number of things helpful outside your core curriculum to help your students thrive.  Whether you puchase and all in one curriculum, create your own or piece together books and supplies as needed, there is a wealth of free information available online.  Here are 7 Free Homeschool Resources every home educator will want to bookmark this year. 

Starfall.: This site is perfect for introduction to concepts in the early education years.  Games, online reading activities and fun concepts teach your youngest students while having fun. http://www.starfall.com

Abcya:  Perfect for Pre-K through 4th grade review.  Most of the units cover all subjects and offer games as well as tasks to complete to verify knowledge learned. http://www.abcya.com

Kahn Academy:  Kahna Academy is a long standing resource for math helps.  Available online and in app form for review and basic testing this has become a resource utilized by educators everywhere.  http://www.kahnacademy.com 

Typing Web:  As students will be using their computers for more and more research and assignments it is a great idea to start them young learning proper keyboarding techiniques.  This free and easy to use online tool is great for all skill sets, even your youngest learners.  http://www.typingweb.com/tutor/

Donna Young:  This site has printables, lesson plans, activities and much more.  It is a great resource for parents who are creating their own curriculum, or who want quality supplements for review.  http://www.donnayoung.org

Science Fair Central:  This site is part of the Discovery Channel and chock full of science projects and presentations.  It is a great place to find ideas for future projects, or to view other scienticic research done by kids and students everywhere. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/

Mission US:  This site has a ton of great information, games and resources for United States History lessons.  Interactive videos and games allow your student to follow along with the story as if they were living it.  http://www.mission-us.org/

Whether you are looking for a resource for a specific class, or simply desire to add some fun elements to your classroom, these 7 free homeschool resources are excellent choices.  Not only will you have some new ideas, but you will have them for free!


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