Stop Leaks Before They Happen With New Poise Impressa® #TryImpressa

This post is sponsored by Impressa. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Did you know that Poise has a new product that can help you stop leaks before they happen?!  Oh yes, new Poise Impressa® does just that! I am the 41 year old mother of 3.  Giving birth to 3 children and being 41 years old both come with their unique challenges.  To top it off, my youngest two children play every sport they can.  Since they are both elementary age, this means they are in recreational sports and guess who, gets nominated to coach?  You guessed it….THIS MOM!  Although I absolutely love coaching children’s sports, it doesn’t come without it’s own challenges and one thing I don’t want to be thinking about while talking to a group of 9 year old girls on the sideline of a basketball court, is bladder leakage!  I also don’t want to be worried about if people in the stands can tell I’m wearing a pad from WAY OVER THERE!  This is why I was too excited to find out about the new Poise Impressa® bladder supports.  Not only do they stop the leaks before they start; there is no longer a need for pads!  This is a huge relief to an active mom like me 😀  But, don’t take my word for it, try them out yourself.  You can easily find the sizing kits at your local Walmart near all of the other feminine products.

About Poise Impressa sizing kit:

The Poise Impressa Incontinence Bladder Supports Sizing Kit is specially designed for the temporary management of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in women. They are a revolutionary non-absorbent, removable product that helps to stop bladder leaks before they happen, offering performance that you can rely on. If you leak when you laugh, cough, sneeze or dance, an Impressa bladder support can offer protection that you need. Safe, effective and easy to use, it is available in three different sizes to adapt to your unique internal shape. The first step is to use the Poise Impressa sizing kit, created to help you quickly find your most effective and comfortable internal fit, which includes size 1, size 2 or size 3.  Find out more at!

22 Replies to “Stop Leaks Before They Happen With New Poise Impressa® #TryImpressa”

  1. Ugh, thankfully I don;t have those issues, but so happy there is something for people who do.

  2. i’m glad that they created a product like this to help those who have issues with leaking. i have a feeling that day will be in the near future for me

  3. This is really great. It’s nice to have a product that supports women, especially when it comes to things like bladder leakage.

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