Slow Cooker Hot Apple Cider

Slow Cooker Hot Apple Cider

I’m going to be honest with y’all, this slow cooker hot apple cider is my regular hot apple cider recipe that I adapted to my slow cooker.  I love cooking holiday beverages in the slow cooker because I can leave them on warm all day while people are coming in and out and they will have a warm drink all day long.  This hot apple cider will make your house smell amazing and get everyone in the holiday mood!  We always make this when we’re decorating Christmas cookies.

apple cider cup

Gather your ingredients:

  • 6 medium/large apples (I use whatever is on sale)
  • 1 small orange
  • 1 vanilla bean or 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cinnamon sticks or 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • cheese cloth or fine strainer

Get to cooking:

  • Cut the apples and orange into quarters and add to the crock pot.
  • Add cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean, and cloves. Add enough water to cover the fruit.
  • Cook on high heat 3-4 hours.
  • After the cider is finished cooking, carefully scoop out the fruit and strain the liquid into a heat-proof bowl.
  • Once all of the particles are strained out of the liquid, add the liquid back to the crock pot to keep warm and discard the solids.
  • Add 2 cups of water and sugar.  I used 1/2 cup of sugar, but you can adjust to your, personal, taste.
  • Keep in crock pot on “warm” all day 🙂  You can refrigerate for about a week or freeze for several months.

25 Replies to “Slow Cooker Hot Apple Cider”

  1. Awesome! I’d love to try making an apple cider. It’s definitely something that I don’t mind drinking regularly!

  2. ooooh Yum! On a cold nigh there’s nothing better. Your picture of the apples is really good. I can taste it just looking at those apples.

  3. This sounds delicious! Who doesn’t love homemade hot apply cider? I am definitely going to make this for our next family night. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday this week!

  4. Your Slow Cooker Hot Apple Cider looks awesome! Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

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