How exciting is this?! Acadiana’s Thrifty Mom was given the privilege to review, keep, and give away the MyCouponKeeper coupon organizing system! I knew it was coming, so when the box was delivered, I TORE IT OPEN! I have been using a coupon binder for years and wanted to try a new system, but was too lazy/busy to do it. Well, this system sure gave me just the incentive I needed to get it going! The system that I received and will be given away includes:
-MyCouponKeeper™ Coupon Box 14.9″W x 6.9″D x 4.75″H
-2 adjustable dividers to support coupons in box when not full 3.2″x7.2″
– 3 MyCouponKeeper™ Purse Size Shopping Folders 6″ x 8″
– 48 Durable PVC Coupon Guides
– 55 Durable Pre-printed Category Labels to Choose From
– 1 MyCouponKeeper™ Reusable Shopping Bag
How cool is it that it comes with it’s own bag (which it fits in perfectly).

I got to work right away labeling my dividers and sorting coupons! My kids had so much fun helping, I think it was because of their natural obsession with stickers LOL There is not 1 thing about the system that I don’t ABSOLUTELY ADORE!  Oddly though, my favorite part of the system is the purse size shopping folders LOL  I stuck one of these in my purse as I was headed in the grocery store and was able to keep all of my coupons organized without being overly obvious about being a coupon addict LOL  The coupon box fit perfectly between the front seats of my Honda and is waterproof which is PERFECT for this Mom of 3!  Overall; I would give this system 2 thumbs up and a 10 out of 10!

You can purchase your very own MyCouponKeeper system HERE! or enter to win one in the rafflecopter below 🙂
This giveaway is for a MyCouponKeeper Deluxe System is sponsored by MyCouponKeeper and hosted by Acadiana’s Thrifty Mom and other GREAT blogs! Simple enter the rafflecopter below and GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

114 Replies to “MyCouponKeeper Review & Giveaway”

  1. I’m a hot mess w/ my coupons at the moment, they are in a file but I know some are as far back as March! I think this would really be a great help.

  2. I use a velcro coupon holder that snaps to the cart — it works ok, but I have to have 2 to fit all my coupons that I use weekly — for the coupons that I share, I use a photo organizer box — definately not the best system, and its a far cry from this great one — hope to win one!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. I use a cheap Target accordian folder for food and envelopes for other stuff like shampoo, lotion, paper products, cleaning products and vitamins.

  4. coupon binder
    little folder for the almost expired ones
    a walet for the ones im using that trip
    and an “inbox” basket for when i get them

  5. What do I use or what do I have? lol I have a fully loaded binder with all the inserts but I am sooo bad about actually putting the coupons in the pages. I have stacks of inserts with the date it came out at the moment but I really need to find a better system.

  6. This sounds great! Have tried several ways so far but none really work for me. I think this one sounds more for me.

  7. I use a binder, dividers and game card dividers. i also have a pocket that i move the coupons that i am going to use into in the back which helps me be a bit more organized and prepared at the register.

  8. I use a binder right now. It’s very hard to keep it in the right order & sometimes I miss a coupon I need for a sale. With not much money, it’s the only thing I have for now. I could really use this.

  9. I don’t cut them out until I am making my grocery list with what is on sale that week, then I put them in an envelope to take wit me. It is a long process.

  10. I don’t cut them out until I am making my grocery list with what is on sale that week, then I put them in an envelope to take wit me. It is a long process. I am looking for something esstime consuming.

  11. Right now, I am using a box and envelopes to organize coupons. It’s a mess! I used to have 2 accordion files, but then tried the binder and got frustrated…now I am just lost! I could really use this! 🙂

  12. I NEED a MAJOR coupon makeover!! :o/ Currently, I have little knowledge and I am just beginning to enter the “coupon world” and am in some DESPERATE NEED of some knowledge. I bought these little envelope type things that snap shut and have dividers in them that I can label from the dollar store. I am a single mother of daughters and have absolutely NO financial help, so, things are REALLY tough in that area right now. So, I am limited on what I can buy to help in this area…however, I am AMAZED at how much money I am able to save with coupons. I have found some WONDERFUL sites on the web and of course the ol’ faithful newspaper. 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity to enter!

  13. My youngest is 8 years old and I use an old baby wipes box to put my coupons in. When I go to the store I try to look for the ones iI need and put them in my wallet.

  14. I love a little box I put them in when I get them or clip them out. But then I usually forget to bring the ones I need so they just end up sitting on my coffee table.

  15. I currently use the binder system but in the process of changing that since I can’t fit anymore in there & its getting pretty heavy!

  16. I have a few of the accordian style folders. One for the coupolns that I use, one for the coujpos that I share with others & one that has all the store I go to.

  17. I use a large binder and it takes more time than I have. With four (7 year-olds), I need to spend less time organizing coupons. I would love to win this !!!!!!

  18. I would love to win this ! I have a huge binder that is too much work and too heavy. I need to spend less time organizing coupons with a house full of kids (4) 7 year-olds.


  19. Right now I just stick them in a pocket in my purse and use them when I remember I have them lol I would really love to become coupon savvy though. Finances suck right now and I could really use the system to help us out.

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