Fun and Easy DIY Fourth Of July Confetti Poppers
We are always finding new ways to have fun at home on the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July is one of the many holidays we do not travel. We love to spend time in our front yard, watching our neighborhood fireworks display. What makes it even more fun is the great ways we have learned to create our own fun at home. One way we like to do that is with these fun and easy DIY Fourth of July confetti poppers. They are so easy to make and the kids LOVE them! Okay, I have to confess, they make them year ’round. They are fun to fill with water and have a water fight, outside of course. You can put anything you want in them. We even dye rice with food coloring and use that for outside. That makes clean-up so much easier. So go ahead, have fun and get to playing with your kiddos!
Gather your supplies:
- 5 (12 oz) paper cups
- 5 (12 inch) balloons
- 2 sided tape
- Scissors
- Confetti
Get your DIY on:
- Carefully cut the bottom out of each of the cups. I cut a small hole in the middle of the cups, then just tore the bottom out with my hands. If you do it carefully, it turns out great.
- Tie a knot in the open end of each balloon.
- Cut about 1 inch off of the rounded or closed end of each balloon.
- Place a strip of 2-sided tape around the outside bottom of the cup. You don’t have to use 2-sided tape as the rubber in the balloon makes it stick well. 2-sided tape does add a little extra security though.
- Stretch the open end of the balloon around the small end of the cup so that the knot in the balloon is sticking out of the bottom of the cup.
- Add about 1-2 tablespoons of confetti or water to each cup.
- Hold the cup with one hand and pull the knotted end of the balloon with the other.
- Point the open end of the cup away from you and let go of the knot in the balloon.
- VOILA! You have a confetti shower! Have fun 😀
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