Find an overview of each day HERE!
Today, I challenge everyone to get a gift card and bless someone at a grocery store or big box store. We got a gift card to Kroger’s and wrote this message on the inside of the card. We attached one of the 365 Days of Kindness cards (YOU CAN PRINT THE CARDS ABOVE BY CLICKING HERE IF YOU’D LIKE) along with the gift card and then taped the envelope to the outside of a cart. See what the outside of the card says. The hope is the recipient will then use the card to pass the blessing on to someone else and it will continue and NEVER end. Whose in? I am praying that everyone gets involved in this. None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone, and when we do we serve Jesus. We can make an impact in our communities, one life at a time!!
subway gift card

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