Tie Dye Cake in a Jar
This was a very simple and cute project we did with the kids. These are great for giving as gifts 😀 These make perfect teacher or coach gifts. They’re also great for neighbors!
Gather your supplies:
- 5 ~ Pint sized canning jars & lids
- 1 prepared white cake mix
- 3 different colors food coloring (your choice)
- Prepared icing of your choice
- Sprinkles/decorations
- Separate your prepared white cake mix into 3 bowls.
- Add 10-30 drops of different food coloring into each bowl (depending on the intensity of the color desired)
- Spray the inside of each jar generously with non-stick cooking spray.
- Add 1 tablespoon of each color at a time to each jar, alternating a different color for each layer.
- Place the jars on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
- Allow jars to cool then ice and decorate as desired 🙂
* * Be very careful when handling the hot glass. Be sure to use proper protective equipment.
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