rak atm
You can find an overview of each day HERE.

Today, I challenge everyone to recognize your mail person or people at the post office.  We will be giving our mail lady a gift card.   You could even bake some goodies or even just give them a nice note telling them how much you appreciate them.  We will also be attaching a 365 Days of Kindness Card (YOU CAN PRINT THE CARDS BY CLICKING HERE). The purpose of printing the cards is that the recipient can then recycle it and pass the card on by doing another random act of kindness.  My vision is that this will continue and continue until EVERYONE is involved in some capacity.   Who’s in? I am praying that everyone gets involved in this. None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone, and when we do we serve Jesus. We can make an impact in our communities, one life at a time!!
hannah for the mailman


Thank you for allowing us to participate Saving and Sharing for Christ!

2 Replies to “365 Days of Kindness ~ Day 57”

  1. this would be ideal for my dogs i have 2 15yr olds that have arthritis i would luv it if i could make there last years easier for them thank you

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